November 30,2023 Serenity (Official Sea Day)
We enjoyed breakfast on the balcony, then moved inside when the sun became too strong.
We did not have a second breakfast because we were anticipating an afternoon of dining delight. We participated in a Vintage Room lunch and lecture led by head Sommelier Jiri Kapal. Our last Vintage Room was on Endeavor in July 2021 when we celebrated our anniversary with a Vintage Room dinner. We arrived a few minutes early and I took a few (million) photos before the rest of the guests arrived.
Jiri has the most wonderful way about him. His lecture was perfectly paced, he is so knowledgeable and entertaining. He interspersed his comments with our meal, while allowing time for guests to chat and interact with each other.
Chef Armando made an appearance to add truffle shavings to our risotto. His interactions with us were sweet and charming. He and Jiri have a very nice rapport.
I loved the Vistamare, Brunello and Amarone…the Super Tuscan…not so much…as many as I’ve tried, Super Tuscans are just too much wine for me. I passed my glass to Timmy, and Ricardo poured me the Masi Amarone . I fell in love with Valpolicella wines several years ago in Venice. This one is superb.
Our Vintage Room experience was made more delightful by the folks we dined with … such a lovely convivial group.
Before we realized it, more than two hours had passed. We returned to our suite, Tim napped and I read on the balcony. And just to confirm…we did cancel afternoon canapés.
We needed to rest, because we had another Italian dining experience waiting for us in The Osteria. I know what you are thinking…who schedules the Osteria on the same night as a Vintage Room lunch? Well, here’s what happened…I’d moved the Osteria reservation because it conflicted with the White Party. (See previous post) We’d requested seats at the Vintage Room Champagne Lunch. The Champagne lunch was cancelled for lack of interest, so we asked to be added to the Italian lunch…which coincided with Osteria…which I couldn’t reschedule because we only had one night left onboard after November 30 and I always want to be in Waterside on the last evening of a cruise…
Second time’s the charm…
So many choices…such delicious wine…
So after Ricardo and Rizaldi got Timmy all squared away with his Reds … Rizaldi said he had a surprise for me. He brought over two wine bottles wrapped in napkins, obscuring their labels and proceeded to pour them. A surprise blind taste test! I was so excited that we failed to take photos (hello, Timmy?) …anyway…Rizaldi poured the Domaine Lebrun Sauvignon Blanc (French) and the Fall Wind Sauvignon Blanc (Italian) that Zayne had introduced to me a few nights ago…a n d …I choose the Lebrun! Rizaldi was a tad disappointed, but he forgave me.
On the way out we stopped for a chat with Mario, the Osteria manager and our chef, Rainer. Such wonderful folks. These two are what make Crystal Crystal.
Totally sated, we headed back to spend some quiet time on our balcony.
Another outstanding day on this beautiful ship. Thanks for following along.