August 9, 2024 Turku, Finland

Coffee and muffins in our room, then the gym. I walk the treadmill for about 8000 steps, playing Mahjong…makes the time pass faster than mindlessly circling deck seven.

Crab and Pork and a salad for lunch…I think Timmy had some soup…

As we were deciding not to venture into Turku…cloudy day, rain threatening, etc. …a friend stopped by and said she’d been in to town for about two hours and found it charming. So I said: “Charming? Like Gdansk charming?” She mentioned a vibrant farmers market and a pretty pedestrian shopping street…not touristy at all. And the shuttle was only about 15 minutes. So I left Timmy to his own devices and headed off.

I took this photo as I left the shuttle, so I’d be able to find my way back to the bus stop. I also “pinned” the stop in my Google Maps. And turned on my walking tracker. Beyond ridiculous…I know…but long gone are the days when I traveled by myself and upon landing in a new city…just took off walking, and if I got lost…oh well. I’m not sure exactly when I began to feel so vulnerable …I’m sure it’s a function of aging. I don’t like it, but it is what it is.

…anyway, I found the market…in just a few short blocks …and yes, it is charming…not exactly Gdansk charming but very nice in its own way.

Check out the cabbage. I walked through the market…not many folks around…I think most of my fellow passengers might have visited in the morning…and most certainly local residents were early shoppers. The temperature was quite mild…low 70s, lots of clouds…but the rain held off.

This cool poster caught my eye

After a brief time in the square, I strolled around the surrounding streets.


Coming upon this dragonfly made me smile. Dragonflies are my talisman. Did you know that dragonflies are highly resilient? They’ve been around for more than 325 million years. They are symbols of courage, strength and happiness. ♥️


I found the pedestrian shopping street and walked along, window shopping, until I came upon a lovely store with the most beautiful handmade linen clothing. I very much regret that I didn’t take any photos…the visual merchandising in that store was beyond perfection. A very helpful salesperson named Laura assisted me and I spent a pleasant hour or so trying on (and buying) some beautiful pieces. The combination of artful display and low key assistance reduced my resolve (not to buy…you know…I’ve been working on the whole minimalism thing) to zero. Anyway… It was fun and I exited the shop just as the rain stopped.

Something about this building caught me…

Back on the shuttle bus I saw these women and really wish I knew why they were dressed like this 🩷

Here’s a better view of the building from the bus. #perspective

Back on board, I shared the fruits of my shopping endeavor with Timmy.

Sailaway from Turku rivals the Sailaway from Stockholm…just as we were so surprised the first time we sailed out of Stockholm…we were blown away by this beautiful Turku archipelago. We sat on the balcony for about an hour taking photos and loving on the view…


…then we headed out…

…first stop Avenue Saloon to listen to Neil…Pla made Timmy a cool drink with smoke…

…it’s called Rose Calypso…includes tequila…has a faint hint of grapefruit…

I love the “clubby” decor and feel of the Avenue Saloon.

Neil’s pre-dinner sets have a laid back vibe.

We eventually made our way up to Tastes…where the archipelago continued to unfold. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner with the most wonderful views.

Milicia took the best care of us


Hamachi Crudo with avocado


Crispy Prawn Dumplings

Greek Octopus Salad

We snapped these photos throughout dinner…

…so spectacular


Our favorite …Tikka Massala flatbread

Restaurant manager Santana and Food and Beverage Director Slavko


Margharita suggested this Rose’ …we loved it.

I have no clue what this dessert is ☹️

Chef Marcin and his team

The evening’s entertainment took place in the Starlite Club…a Duet Performance by Anna Alonso and Carlos Rayan accompanied by the Crystal Showband. One of the best performances that we’ve seen on either ship. … Ever. Anna’s vocals are pure, sweet and powerful. Carlos is a maestro on the guitar. Together they are perfection🩵


Vickie doing her evening wrap up.

Back in the Avenue, we discovered Neil’s daughter, Sarah joining him for a few songs. So much fun.

Every day on this beautiful ship is terrific…today was extra. Thanks for following along 🩵