Search by tag: royal-crescent

Twice in a Life Time…

Written on July 30, 2024 in Europe

July 29,2024 Cotswolds, UK We woke early (for us) and enjoyed a lovely breakfast … …First course…cappuccino, chia pudding and a croissant… …second course…waffles with lemon and syrup…very yummy After breakfast we repaired to the garden for more coffee and the London Times…hang around long enough and you pick up the lexicon 😊 An a...

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Bath, County of Somerset…

Written on July 29, 2024 in Europe

July, 28, 2024 The less said about our Virgin Atlantic flight, the better. Who wants to revisit unpleasantness? In the interest of full disclosure and to remind ourselves to never book this seating configuration again, I will say the entire experience was less than optimal… …starting with the amenity bag…”crafted” from recycled cardboard....

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