Before we retired, we were up at 5:30 a.m. five days a week. In early retirement, when not traveling, I’d set the alarm for seven and head off to an eight o’clock yoga or exercise class. That extra hour and a half of sleep felt like such a luxury. As we moved deeper into retirement I began taking later classes- with nine or ten o’clock start times – thus pushing back the alarm. I enjoy physical exercise and the mindfulness of yoga – which is not always possible on the road. When traveling I try my best to take a long walk every morning. If we are on a ship, I like to walk early and return to breakfast in our stateroom – on the veranda – weather permitting. Because most of our post retirement travels have been for extended periods of time and we eat (and imbibe) so much more when traveling, it’s important to me that I burn some modicum of calories every day. So it’s become my routine to wake early and walk. As we are only on Symphony for seven days I’ve taken the liberty of sleeping in…now that’s luxury ❤️. These past two mornings have been heaven-breakfast on the veranda – then just sitting here with Timmy watching the sun glint off the water, being lulled by the swell and sound of the sea. You might think that after 18 months of almost no social interaction, we’d be headed off to one of the wonderful shipboard lectures-or to a Bridge lesson-or a photography lesson…but no, I’m sitting right here where I’m happiest…with my Timmy an arms length away.

Here are some photos from yesterday.

My Timmy waiting for breakfast
Blue Blintzes at our second breakfast in the Trident
Hey, remember this blog is a no judgement zone
My perfect setup for the afternoon…Lush Champagne Cocktail with a sparkling water chaser
I did manage to walk in the afternoon on deck sevens’ promenade
I needed to walk because here’s Olena with our afternoon canapés
I’m just the happiest person on earth
No caption necessary
Traveling with these two is an absolute joy❤️❤️❤️
Every cruise segment Crystal hosts a White Party – we had such an enjoyable evening- the Crystal Show Band was outstanding