August 20,2024. Copenhagen, Denmark

Yay! Sunny skies in Copenhagen …remember last segment? Pouring rain…

Starboard side view…

After coffee and muffins, we hopped the shuttle and set off in search of a canal boat tour.


Didn’t take long to find a canal …or a boat tour…


That’s the “Little Mermaid”…she sure is tiny…especially from the canal…

Symphony looking beautiful

Very cool watching the float plane land


Riding so low to the water reminds me of Venice


Hard to believe that kayakers and paddle boarders are brave enough to share the canal…

This might be the Opera House

Our guide said this is the oldest boat on the canal

Some of the bridges are quite low…

Keep your hands in the boat ♥️

This is either an old warehouse or a government building…

So many folks out enjoying the great weather


We thought about eating lunch in the city…but hadn’t done any research …so many places along the canal were crowded and appeared to be tourist we enjoyed lunch in one of our favorite lunch spots in all the world…

…this is what I consider a perfick lunch…salad, a piece of chicken and sweet potato fries…followed by a berry cobbler with vanilla cream.

After lunch I set out to explore the area near where we were docked…which is the “old port”.

I walked to the end of the pier and discovered a pretty promenade along the waterfront…

As I walked along, I came upon a cool marina …

…I love wandering around marinas and checking out all the different boats. As I continued my stroll, I discovered what at first appeared to be a large park…lots of folks, a concession stand and …tour busses…why would there be tour busses?

…the Little Mermaid. The tiny bronze sculpture is based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It is only 4 feet tall, is a major tourist attraction and has come to symbolize the city of Copenhagen.

I had to muscle my way through the crowd to get my photo. Then I performed some serious cropping …

A short distance from the Little Mermaid stands this cool statue…I was able to walk right up to it and snap this pic. The waterfront park is lovely, I walked around for a bit, then I sat on a beach and watched as bus loads of tourists hopped off, ran to the statue, took their photos then left. I was glad to have discovered the mermaid on my walk and grateful that I was able to sit in that pretty park and people watch. But the people watching grew tiresome and I moved on to a quieter bench overlooking the canal.

Back on the ship, I fetched Timmy and we visited Jsa at the gelato counter …then wrote some postcards in Tastes.

Late afternoon, we had the space pretty much to ourselves. (The pool deck tables were completely occupied on this beautiful day).Davend stopped to say hello…

Preparing for our last dinner on board

Timmy loves his consume’


Bojan is a treasure and we enjoyed chatting with him each evening. I will miss him and his hospitality 🩵

Salvatore Hasard and his wife Patricia came by and we reminisced about Endeavor.

…one last “sparkling water on ice with lime and a straw” to take to the show. Petar and Rodion pretending to fight over who would make “the usual”.

…and oh what a show!!! Anna Alonso performed a one woman show with the Crystal Showband and she killed it! She sang and danced songs from her Brazilian roots.


…we loved every minute of the show.
Then we popped over to the Avenue Saloon to say goodbye to the staff. We still had a few things to pack so we couldn’t stick around for CJ Marvin’s set. He was filling in for Neal, whose voice abandoned him. We were sorry not to be able to say goodbye to Neal…he was such an important part of our overall enjoyment of this cruise. And it was a most enjoyable cruise indeed 🩵🩵🩵

We’ve had so much fun …from the White Cliffs to the Little Mermaid, it’s been wonderful.
Next up? Iceland for a few days. Thanks for following along🩵