This is a tower for the funicular to Mt. Juic. It’s right off our balcony. I love that Serenity is docked downtown at the World Trade Center.
Leaving the ship we were greeted with many familiar sights. The weather is wonderful- low 70’s – bright sunshine, with a very brisk breeze.
We walked up La Rambla, pausing frequently as Timmy searched for a Barcelona lapel pin. We bought postcards and stamps. Walking on this beautiful tree lined pedestrian street is a real treat in the off season. Very few tourists.
Timmy loves coming upon the living human statues as we travel. Here he had the opportunity to chat with a fellow as he was applying his makeup. Great fun.
Timmy found his pin😊
It was such a pleasure strolling along, not having to dodge tons of fellow travelers. Leaving La Rambla, we meandered down side streets…making our way east towards the Parc Ciudella. Here are some random photos.
So I parked Timmy and ran up and down some lovely streets taking pics. I love this photo of him patiently waiting for me.
I thought this was a cool storefront.
This intersection always reminds me of the Flatiron Building in NYC. I looked at the photo and said “Timmy, what the heck? There’s a bird flying across the shot!” His reply: “A dove for my love”.
Love the side streets
On the left of this monument is the Arc de Triomf.
Entering my favorite park in Spain. Parc Ciudella.
I still remember the first time I spied this magnificent fountain
Leaving the park we headed towards the waterfront to our favorite restaurant in Barcelona, Cal Pinxco.
In consultation with our waiter, John, we chose a sparkling rose.
Timmy wanted to try a vermicelli paella… I was skeptical but it was really yummy.
We enjoyed a very leisurely (2 .5 hour) lunch, loving the view and people watching.
Dessert=pineapple carpaccio with basil ice cream ❤️
We walked back to Serenity along the waterfront.
Love all the different boats.
We came upon this sidewalk installation.
More sights along the way, including Serenity ❤️
Timmy in front of “our” tower.