July 10,2024 Sonora Resort

First view when bedroom drapes opened …we began to pay attention to the shifting tides.

Our living room…I can honestly say that we never spent more than a few minutes here…just to pass through

I did however, spend many happy hours here on the deck.

This is the inside of the Conservatory…a beautiful tropical environment …opposite our cabin where we sometimes met Charline or Ally for a ride to the main lodge.


In the main lodge, heading to breakfast we stop for a mirror selfie.

Because we were so late to breakfast…we had the space all to ourselves..the other 40 guests were already out and about. (The demographic here definitely skews younger …and very, very fit😊)

Screenshot from a video of our first eagle sighting of the day.

I did mention the elevated level of cuisine..as beautiful as the plating was, it tasted even yummier…

…and those cappuccinos ♥️


This is the children’s pool…kids are not allowed in the main pool.

After breakfast, I left Timmy to hold down the lodge and I headed out on a reconnaissance expedition …

I walked through the main grounds, down along the waterfront and into the forest…


There are numerous nooks on the property…


Here’s a group either returning from or setting out on an Eco-tour…those boats lined up along the dock, belong to the Resort.


The trout pond

So many opportunities to be in silence

Two adorable purple chairs on a floating dock.

Helpful stairs on the Lodge Loop trail

I climbed higher and found another view of the purple chairs


There are currently 147 forest fires in the northwest corner of British Columbia …none nearby and no smoke.


This precious gazebo is well worth the climb up…

…view from the Gazebo…


So I was walking along, and on the spur of the moment, decided to hike the Yellow Trail. Sign says 1.5 kilometers…just less than 1 mile…should be fun…

Trail starts out fine…

…just a log or two across a pretty little stream… speaking of which…the sounds of streams and birds, and the freshest, cleanest air …simply heaven on earth…

…then this happened…yep, a bear footprint …as in a brown bear. I took the photo, but really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Confirmed by multiple folks who work at the resort. Who all assured both of us that although there are 2 bears on the Island…there has never been an “incident”. Here’s a close to verbatim conversation: Julia: “Oh wow. Where was this?” Me: “The Yellow Trial”. Julia: “Wow. You were by yourself? Did you have a whistle?” “Wow…I’d take a whistle next time you hike the forest, especially if you go alone”.

Once I saw the bear print, I was a tiny bit freaked out…not totally …because it almost felt unreal…sort of like my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Gould, who planted fake arrowheads before he took us on a hike to find arrowheads. Anyway, I was about halfway into the hike and it was a challenge to maintain my composure and my footing. The trail was narrow with lots of roots. Going down was harder than going uphill. Anyway, I tried to sing, but my throat was so dry.

Screenshot taken from my last will and testament video to Timmy.

Anyway I was never so happy to see a trail sign in my life. This one. This sign, right here. …Whatever.
All’s well that ends well…I spent the rest of the afternoon recovering my heart rate on the deck.

…Then we headed to dinner. Here’s Dale, the resort’s resident eagle…perched above us as we dined.

I think I mentioned the bread and the amazing spreads

Here’s Logan and Tim discussing the evenings wine pairings

Tonight’s amuse bouche was a wonton with something yummy inside

Uni Pannacotta & Pickled Herring paired with a 2021 Tantalus Riesling

Our charming server, Killian

Eagles overhead all evening long😊…cannot describe how magical it is.

Mushroom Agnolotti…(that glaze!)…paired with a 2017 Seven Stones “Speaking Rock” Pinot Noir


Braised Veal Cheek & Veal Sweetbread with greens, kimchi, turnip purée, sesame snaps and sake BBQ sauce paired with the 2009 Le Vieux Pin “Equinoxe” Syrah ♥️

The meal was so wonderful that with each course we entreated Killian to please, please send our compliments to the Chef. I guess Chef Jin wondered who these silly folks were continuously sending accolades his way, because he came out to say hello. So humble, so sweet.

Deconstructed Baked Alaska…Blackberry sorbet, pistachio and cherry ice cream, carmelized pistachio cake.


I think I was recounting my hiking adventure …#falsebravado


Someone’s content 🩵

Random photos as we left the lodge


Earlier in the day I’d heard a little girl ask her mom if she could visit the “Snack Shack”…I did some investigating and found this resource located right next to the gear shed and kids pool…complimentary snacks 24/7…my oh my… just in case you didn’t want to run back to your cabin to raid your well stocked (also complimentary) fridge…or you were heading out on a fishing trip.

Salads and sandwiches and wraps, yogurt, fruit …all the snacks.

Timmy nearly lost his mind when he discovered an Oh Henry bar😊


Homemade cookies and brownies too.

Here’s the last photo of the day, taken as we left dinner …time stamp says 8:48 pm.

Thanks for following along 🦅🐻🐻🦅