We began the month in Sarasota…back at the Salty Dog. I’m hard pressed to come up with a more charming, chill, on the water lunch spot. Probably why we keep returning.


Very yummy conch fritters. And then the best fish tacos.


We stopped on the way home to soak in the beauty and take a few pics.

My heart…Timmy and Fluffy …and Fred in his perch.

Meanwhile…back at the beach 🩵💙🩵


A return to Kojo…we had so many yummy small plates…I failed to take photos because we were so busy solving the worlds problems.

This mushroom pot is outstanding ♥️ …my only food pic from a super meal.

First Friday of the month found us downtown enjoying the Allen Grant band. We arrived early enough to snag some of the give aways…neon bracelets and colorful sunglasses.


Allen Grant band has folks dancing from the first song.

Lots of fun. Great energy.

So I enter the kitchen after my walk and discover this…Evidently Freddie frequently pops up and joins Timmy for breakfast.

My happiest place in Sarasota.

I snapped this pic for my Navy guy💙…Tim loved it so much, he made it his screen saver.

The gulf is warming up nicely.

I’m thinking that I really need to name this friend…sadly I haven’t seen the great blue heron in a while. He doesn’t have a name either.


Okay, so this was a pleasant surprise…came upon these cuties at the south entrance to Siesta beach. #bunnies

On May 8 the tide was the highest I’ve seen it all spring. My last walk of the season is always bittersweet…but we were ready to head back to New York… air temps and humidity were getting beyond our tolerance levels.

So we packed up the truck and left on May 9 for the three day ordeal that is our drive north. Here’s Fluffy watching me pack. The only bright spot during the trip was dinner in Alexandria Va. We dined at Aldo’s Italian Kitchen.

Aldo’s is a family style Italian restaurant on Eisenhower Blvd. We arrived just before 6:00 pm on a Friday night and were quite lucky to be seated immediately, because within about a half an hour the joint was jumping. Lots of take out orders, lots of regulars. The restaurant is fully staffed with friendly servers and the owner, Emanuel, greets and chats with his guests. We loved the atmosphere and the pizza. We especially loved the 2019 Rosso di Montepulciano 😊


Don’t judge…we hadn’t had lunch.

Timmy did all the driving, and I overheard him telling Kristin (our daughter in law) that the trip was “fine”. It. Was. Not. Fine. Late afternoon storms on two of the three days…then the hell scape that is the drive from New Jersey to our home on Long Island. When we left VA, the GPS estimated that we’d arrive home at 1:10 pm. Well the time kept pushing back as we drove…grrrrr. Finally arrived around 3:30.


So here’s a non-photo of the Northern Lights…taken at 9:10 on the night we arrived home…we were too tired to stay up longer in hopes of catching a glimpse. Hopefully we’ll have another opportunity when we revisit Iceland in late August.

Shortly after our return, we spent a chilly grey afternoon watching Claire and Isabel compete in a LAX tournament. We love watching them play. Sadly all my photos of Claire are pitiful…here’s Isabel scoring her first goal of the day.


I might have mentioned that we live in a restaurant wasteland, we really only have one good restaurant nearby…Drifters. They do not take reservations, they are closed Monday and Tuesday and no matter what time of day you arrive… you wait. So we’ve been dining at home. A lot. Like every night. 😢

On this night I made Timmy a pizza …kinda from scratch and I had a salad. Not surprisingly, this is another 2019 Rosso…we do love Sangiovese grapes ♥️

I’ve been making fish twice a week…here’s a swordfish pic I snapped because I thought it looked pretty.

So here’s a wild turkey from the neighborhood. I’ve been walking most mornings, and while I do miss my beach, I love the beauty and peacefulness here in our community.

And here’s a deer 🩷

Memorial weekend found us on Jason and Jon’s lovely deck. It was a perfick opportunity to catch up with many of our wonderful neighbors.

Timmy and Tommy

We had tons of fun on a beautiful night.

I think this guy is stalking me

Can you see Freddie? Joining Timmy for breakfast.

So there you have May…split between Sarasota and Long Island. We are happy to be safely back in New York and we are looking forward to leaving next week on another adventure. Thanks for checking in ♥️